Melody #A
by: Peter Jordan
A. Hallelujah, hallelu. Hallelujah, hallelu.
Hallelujah, hallelu. Sing praises to the Lord.

Jesus Christ is King and Lord. Jesus Christ is King and Lord.
Jesus Christ is King and Lord. Worthy is His name.

Fill me with Your Spirit, Lord. Fill me with Your Spirit, Lord.
Fill me with Your Spirit, Lord. Let me overflow.

Hallelujah, hallelu. Hallelujah, hallelu.
Hallelujah, hallelu. Sing praises to the Lord.

Melody #B
B. In all thy ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct thy paths.
He will lead you, He will guide you, He will take you by the hand.
He will lead you, He will guide you, He will help you understand.
In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and he shall direct thy paths.

Melody #C
C. My hands belong to You, Lord, my hands belong to You.
I lift them up to You, Lord, and sing Hallelujah.
I lift them up to You, Lord, and sing Hallelu.

My voice belongs to You, Lord, my voice belongs to You.
I lift it up to You, Lord, and sing Hallelujah.
I lift it up to You, Lord, and sing Hallelu.

My heart belongs to You, Lord, my heart belongs to You.
I lift it up to You, Lord, and sing Hallelujah.
I lift it up to You, Lord, and sing Hallelu.

Melody #D
D. O worship the Lord, in the beauty of holiness,
Worship the Lord, in the beauty of holiness.
Worship the Lord, in the beauty of holiness.
Give Him the glory due His name.

We worship Thee, Lord, in the beauty of holiness.
Worship Thee, Lord, in the beauty of holiness.
Worship Thee, Lord, in the beauty of holiness.
Glory and honor due Thy name.

Melody #E
by: Jeff Buchan
E. Emmanuel, Emmanuel. Your name is called Emmanuel.
You're God with us, revealed in us. Your name is called Emmanuel.

Melody #F
by: Terrye Coelho
F. Father, I adore You. Lay my life before You. How I love You.

Jesus, I adore You. Lay my life before You. How I love You.

Spirit, I adore You. Lay my life before You. How I love You.

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